Mar 1, 2008

今の望みですか? -My Wishes For Now?-





よく、恋人がいない理由を聞かれるけど、昔からときめくことがない。凄く冷めています。 その所為か、子供の頃から老けて見られてる (´−д−;`)

理想の男性を聞かれる度に、映画「オーシャンズ」シリーズで、ブラッドピットが演じたラスティーと言い続けている私です /(*/ωΘ*)


なのに成功する気でのほほほほ〜ん ヽ(∂。∂)ノ ☆♪

人生こそが芸術だから、私の人生を彩ろう 。

My wishes for now?
It's to become a lithe, elastic, sophisticated and dignified woman.
And to completely fall in love with someone who is strong enough both mentally and physically, who is largehearted and at ease, who has room to breathe and leeway, and who emits some kind of aura and creates an atmosphere that attracts me.

Is there anything more important than this in this life?
To color my own life and to touch the real art is close to the equality though.

My perfect man is like sinful music.
Fascinating musicians are guilty.

I'm often asked why I don't have a love.
But it's just because I don't meet anyone who interests me or fascinates me.
My heart doesn't skip easily since I was a child. I'm very cold actually.
That might be why I'm looked older than I really am since I was a child.

Yet I've been saying that my perfect man is Rusty that Brad Pitt played in the movie series of "Ocean's".
Oh yes, you can call me whatever.
But what hurts more is that I'm still confident about encountering someone I fascinate.
I have met a few men who are like him actually. I think it's like a blue moon though.

Men ask me what kind of man I like and I always tell them "Rusty in Ocean's".
To my surprise (although I won't be surprised anymore), most of them say laughing "It's a movie, there is no such man in reality."
I guess they admit that the man in the movie is cool but these kind of men just don't even think that they wanna be someone like him.
Why do you think I would be attracted to you then?

I'm so insecure about my life and even today.
But I always remain as if I'm unconcerned because I have this stupid groundless confidence in my success in my life.
Oh well, I was just wandering and talking to myself again though.

I need to be strong.
Life itself is art so I want to color my life.....
Life is too short.